Murdoch University (Australia)
I am currently employed as a Senior Lecturer in Criminology. As part of this role, I am module co-ordinator for: CRM203: Criminal Behaviour; CRM301: Crime Science; CRM306: Advanced Criminology; CRM550/MCR602 Applied Problem Solving Methods in Criminology.
While at University of Lincoln, I was the Module Convener and Lecturer for "Foundations of Forensic Psychology" (BSc course) and "Processes of Investigation and Justice" (MSc course). I also supervised final-year projects, MSc projects, tutees, and second-year lab practicals. I also taught a final year module "Patterns of Action", which focused on a Systems Approach to psychological research and understanding. In particular, understanding complex systems and patterns of behaviour are taught in an applied manner. I was promoted from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer after my first year, at UoL.
I have previously taught across all main undergraduate psychology modules (e.g., Social, Developmental, Cognitive [Neuroscience], Biological, Statistics etc.), and a personal 3rd year module into Applied Health and Social Psychology Methods. In addition, I have successfully supervised 3rd year dissertation projects to a publishable standard. I have also taught at postgraduate level - including several MSc Health Psychology and Research Methods courses.
I have previously taught online courses in Psychology (see Employment section). I have taught Research Methods in Psychology, Research Dissertation Projects, Cognitive Psychology, Biological Psychology, Quantitative Methods and Individual Differences; Qualitative Methods and Research Project, MSc Health Promotion; Psychology of Pain, The Individual in Psychology: Qualitative Understandings; and Family Psychology. I am experienced in multiple online platforms and regularly receive excellent student feedback.
Student Feedback
I am delighted with the reaction I have received from all of the students I have had the pleasure of teaching. I am dedicated to student satisfaction and enjoyment. As an indicator of students' satisfaction, I have been nominated by my students for a Student Lead Teaching Award in both of my full-time Lectureship positions. In my current role, as Senior Lecturer at Murdoch University I won 'Lecturer of the Year' in 2019. The nominations and the award remain my most satisfying and proudest achievements